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Brisk Vinyasa #9
50 Minutes
A moving, flowing full -spectrum practice that warms you up and releases the hips and spine. Two blocks help.
Core and Things
45 Minutes
A dynamic practice of sun salutes, standing, core play, backbends, twists, and a little bit of hips.
Brisk Vinyasa #8
45 Minutes
An active and efficient practice that releases the hips and hamstrings, wakes up the core and shoulders, and plays with forearm balance. A block and a strap.
Quick fix #6
A fun, warming and energizing practice of sun salutes, core, and handstands. Set up near a wall and have fun!
All the Things #3
60 Minutes
A full spectrum practice that starts with gentle, circular movements to mobilize the hips and shoulders, moves through standing poses, and lands in hip openers.
Quick fix #4
20 Minutes
A quick practice that wakes the body up, releases the hips and spine, and ends with backbends. Invigorating and complete.
Brisk Vinyasa #7
50 Minutes
A playful, strongish flow focusing on shoulder strength and hip mobility to build toward an arm balance (with many progressive options to explore along the way). Two blocks can be very helpful.
Groovy Grove Flow with Sam
A recording of a live, in person class at my home 'studio' in the redwood grove with Sam Wax and friends. A multi-planar, groovy practice that moves the spine, hips, and shoulders in circular movements. A block is used.
Clearing the cobwebs (45 min)
"One of those circular, spiraling, inward-looking practices that leaves you feeling refreshed and wondering what just happened :)
Two blocks and a blanket help. And a puppy in a sweater, if you've got one ❤️ "
Ashtanga mashup
Vigorous, fast pace Ashtanga-inspired practice, drawing from the primary and second series. Begins with sun salutations, moving through a strong standing series, grounding seated forward folds, variety of twists, and winding down with energizing backbends/ chest opening and inversions.
Level: Intermediate; opportunities to dial back intensity abound, still probably not a practice to do with your three year old, or without a sense of humor.
Props: 2 blocks, optional strap, firm blankets if practicing shoulder stand.
Brisk Vinyasa #6
50 Minutes
If brisk vinyasa and nervous system reset practices had a baby together, this would the result ;) An out of the box, opening, releasing, and resetting practice working with the hips and the front body.
chatturanga free practice
70 Minutes
Accessible, full-body flow directing weight and strain away from wrists and shoulders. These variations can be applied to make any other more ”typical” flow more manageable.
Brisk Vinyasa #1
35 Minutes
A fun, well rounded Vinyasa flow building heat through engagement of the body’s deep stabilizers.
Slow and Steady
60 Minutes
A slow, savoring flow designed to work out all the kinks with special attention given to shoulders and upper back. Two blocks and a strap are used.
Standing Around
35 Minutes
A clearing and energizing practice that moves through the standing poses with mindfulness. Two blocks.
Free your tail (talk and practice)
90 Minutes
A talk to set up the practice with Molly and Friends. This is a recording of a live class that introduces the dynamics of the tailbone. It explores the many layers of this particular part of our bodies (perineal body and the first chakra). Expect familiar postures done slowly and with attention. Students' process is included here, and may serve as a reminder that we are all in this together.
free your ribs #2
90 Minutes
An exploration of the shoulder girdle and the rib cage that moves through twists, splits, and potential inversions. A couple of blocks will help.
Shoulder Love
60 Minutes
This is a shoulder focused semi-flow that uses a mix of mobility work and traditional yoga postures to bring awareness and life to the shoulders. Perfect for swimmers.
grounding flow
90 Minutes
Grab a bolster (or a couple of blocks and a blanket or two), and get moving in this grounding, all around opening flow.
Yin/Restorative #3
45 Minutes
A nourishing and releasing practice using a bolster and a blanket.