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Spiral Bound (5/29/22)
90 minutes
A slow flow that focuses on 3D thoracic rotation and spiraling backbends. A strap and a rolled blanket/bolster are used, though you could do without.
Hip Release (5/15/22)
40 minutes
this is the first portion of a longer class (the audio failed half-way through. Thank mercury retrograde?). It’s a slow hip and spine release that can be a stand alone practice or a warm up to a longer flow.
Sit with yourself
20 minutes
Drop-in, unwind your spine, unclog your shoulders, stretch your hips, and viola! Watch your energy shift. Two blocks and a strap. Great for the end of the day or as a movement snack between zoom calls.
Feely feel and Sensey sense (4/24/22)
90 minutes
A foam roller is highly recommended to get the most out of this sensational 😊 exploration, though a rolled, dense blanket will work in a pinch. This is one of those ‘deep cleaning’ practices that helps bring us to the present moment, drop us into the body, and leave us refreshed and nourished.
Somatic Exploration
20 minutes
One of my favorite practices for times when everything feels a bit ‘too much’. It slows things down, allows me to feel into the spaces inside without ‘doing’ or imposing shapes. Move like water. Lucy approves :)
Row Your Boat (4/10/22)
90 minutes
A lower back and SI joint focused flow that weaves core integration into somatic inquiries and traditional asana. We use a looped strap for feedback, but you could do it all without.
Twist and Roll (4/5/22)
90 minutes
Another blanket-centric slow practice that unwinds the kinks along the neck and upper back, helps feel into the hips and release tension. Lots of twists and circular movements and options are given throughout.
Roll into Spring (3/20/22)
90 minutes
Grab a rolled blanket (a foam roller works in a pinch), and settle in for a deeply balancing practice. Hips, thoracic spine, shoulders, everything gets some love. We also use two blocks at times, but the blanket is the star here.
Balm for the times (2/27/22)
90 minutes
A thorough, patient, and calming practice for the days when you need some self-soothing. Grab two blocks and prepare to slow down.
Swirly Somatic Flow (2/20/22)
90 minutes
A deeeeeep, slow unwinding of the upper spine, neck, and shoulders starts this objectively delicious practice. Lots of rocking, shaking, and rolling feel like a balm to the nervous system throughout. Grab a couple of blocks and settle in. This one is a journey :)
Surge and Recede Slow Flow (1/16/22)
90 minutes
We start on our sides and explore the waves of energy that pulse through the limbs, then move through a slow flow, pumping the legs, opening and closing the ‘chain’, and connecting to the earth through watery movements.
Grab a couple of blocks and move stuck energy through.