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Row Your Boat (4/10/22)
90 minutes
A lower back and SI joint focused flow that weaves core integration into somatic inquiries and traditional asana. We use a looped strap for feedback, but you could do it all without.
Foot to core pyramid (3/8/22)
90 minutes
A strong practice that explores the inner foot to pelvic floor pathway, works the quads and hips through a series of pulsating and balancing postures, and ends in supported and active backbends. We used a foam roller and a couple of blocks, but can easily use just blocks and/or bolsters and blankets.
Playground flow (3/1/22)
90 minutes
An advanced-ish playful flow that uses see-saw and slide dynamics to explore energetic actions of various postures and transitions. Fun, intense, and out of the box. We use a bolster heavily throughout and a couple of blocks.
Core in the time of Covid (1/25/22)
90 minutes
This practice begins with a talk about the effects of the times on our nervous systems, we then move into breath-centered core work using a strap as a boundary. The standing series activates the hips and core, challenging our stability. A strap and a couple of blocks help.
Slow (core) Flow (1/23/22)
90 minutes
start with a thorough, down-regulating hip and core sequence. Move to spinal undulations, and a slow hip and core focused standing series. Finish with gentle back-bending and twists. A bolster or pillow, and two blocks are helpful.