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45 Minutes
A short practice that builds on the steadiness of the ashtanga sequences, while making it accessible to all. Low on frills, high on focus.
Hips and Low back Tune up
45 Minutes
A quick and thorough practice targeting the hips, legs, and low back. Roll up a blanket, grab a strap, and settle in.
Rock and Roll
45 Minutes
start on your back with gentle rocking and rolling. Move to a low standing position to open the hips and then gradually work your way to standing. A sweet way to end your day. Two blocks.
Chest and Shoulders, oh my!
45 Minutes
A simple yet intense practice opening the chest, shoulders, and upper spine. Grab two blocks and reverse that ZOOM gloom.
Easy Peasy Practice
45 Minutes
A grounding, clearing, accessible practice to set you right at the end of a work day, or, in the morning. Perfect for coming back to the mat after a break. Two blocks, a strap, and a blanket.
Nervous system reset + Restore
45 Minutes
shaking and rolling movements are followed by several supported restorative postures that release tension in the hips and groin and shoulders. Two blocks, a bolster, and a blanket are used, but make use of whatever you have on hand.
Nervous system reset #7
45 Minutes
Move and release tension from the upper back and shoulders using your breath to access sticky spots. Two blocks, one blanket.
Hips and thoracic mobility
45 Minutes
A deep dive into all corners of the hips joints with a good dash of shoulder and upper spine mobility woven in. Great for an end of the day practice. Two blocks.
Brisk Vinyasa #10
45 Minutes
Work out all the kinks with this efficient practice focused on shoulders and thoracic mobility. Two Blocks help.
Nervous System Reset #5
45 Minutes
A shoulder, neck, and hip focused reset that starts with spinal rolling, uses the wall for deep release in a variety of shapes, and settles everything down using a sandbag. A blanket, a wall, a sandbag (or a bag of beans/rice/dirt from your garden) are used throughout.
Firefly part 2
45 Minutes
Hips, core, and shoulders are the focus of this rather strong practice. A strap is used, but you could do without.
Core and Things
45 Minutes
A dynamic practice of sun salutes, standing, core play, backbends, twists, and a little bit of hips.
Brisk Vinyasa #8
45 Minutes
An active and efficient practice that releases the hips and hamstrings, wakes up the core and shoulders, and plays with forearm balance. A block and a strap.
Clearing the cobwebs (45 min)
"One of those circular, spiraling, inward-looking practices that leaves you feeling refreshed and wondering what just happened :)
Two blocks and a blanket help. And a puppy in a sweater, if you've got one ❤️ "
Yin/Restorative #3
45 Minutes
A nourishing and releasing practice using a bolster and a blanket.
Nervous system reset #4
45 Minutes
Simple reclining hip exploration and twists lead to spinal and shoulders mobilization on all fours with the help of a blanket. Finish the practice with a few seated hip openers. Soothing, energizing, and centering practice appropriate for all. Props: Blanket and strap.