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Hip Release (5/15/22)
40 minutes
this is the first portion of a longer class (the audio failed half-way through. Thank mercury retrograde?). It’s a slow hip and spine release that can be a stand alone practice or a warm up to a longer flow.
Look, Ma! No hands!
40 Minutes
A great practice that says hello to the body as a whole, and puts almost no pressure on the wrists and shoulders. Perfect for those who are recovering from injuries or illness, or practitioners who prefer a vinyasa-free practice every now and then (or all the time).
Brisk Vinyasa #2
40 Minutes
Fun, moderately paced, all over flow, building heat and circulation to hit all the right spots for an energizing practice. Creative transitions and balancing postures woven together, ending with joyful backbends.
Brisk Vinyasa #4
40 Minutes
A fun, flowing practice that explores some interesting transitions from standing to arm balancing to sitting and back through again. A couple of blocks are used throughout, but you could also improvise without.