Strong Flow Bundle
Thank you for purchasing the Strong Flow Bundle!
This includes five, 90 min practices recorded in November '21. These classes will be moderately-paced, warming, and strengthening. The emphasis will be on mobility, integration, and play. Wall space will be good to have, as well as any blocks and strap you may have on hand.
We start with spiraling movements to unwind the lower back, work through a steady flow, then revisit the hips and spirals and sneak in some core-play. A block is good to have.
A dynamic warm-up that mobilizes the spine and hips leads into a side-lying exploration of the hips. This sequence builds heat in unexpected ways. Grab a strap and make space to roll around :)
The last in the November series, we use spinal waves to wake up, then progressively explore single leg and hip strength. Two blocks are used.
Grab a dowel like object (I'm using a broomstick), set up near a wall, and explore your relationship with your environment. This class focuses on the hip hinge, on proprioception, and on shoulder mobility. We end with a bit of release at the wall.
A strong flow where we spend a good deal of time moving outside the boundaries of the mat. Core and hip stability are the foundations for thoracic and shoulder mobility. Grab a dowel (or a strap), a couple of blocks and move!