Return Home Bundle
Thank you for purchasing Return Home!
This includes 3 practices added each week in January, plus two live stream classes. Videos will be added every Sunday evening in January.
Week 1
Writing prompt: What are the resources (internal and external) that have supported you in the past year?
Recording from live class 1/2/2022: Grounding Practice
Grab a strap, and optional chair.
Sit with yourself
Drop-in, unwind your spine, unclog your shoulders, stretch your hips, and viola! Watch your energy shift. Two blocks and a strap. Great for the end of the day or as a movement snack between zoom calls.
Lie Down and Chill
This is my go to, nightly routine while watching my favorite shows :) Who says yogis don't multitask? Grab a strap and a rolled blanket/bolster/or foam roller, and move into the hips. The benefits tend to show up in the unwinding of tension in the lower back.
Get Flowing
Building on the last two practices, we start adding some core activation, moving through to standing poses and an accessible flow. Two block and a strap.
Week 2
Writing prompt: When do you feel the most connected to your center? When do you feel the most at home in the world?
Somatic exploration
One of my favorite practices for times when everything feels a bit ‘too much’. It slows things down, allows me to feel into the spaces inside without ‘doing’ or imposing shapes. Move like water. Lucy approves :)
Chair Practice
Good for any time of the day, but if you’ve been sitting and working at the screen for a while, even better! Grab a chair (any chair!), a strap and block, and unclog your shoulders, move your spine, feel into your hips. It doesn’t take much to feel a little more connected.
Wall Practice
The wall is a wonderful prop: it contains, it’s stable, it can support or add intensity. I think of the wall like a supportive and well-boundaried parent: you can lean, hang, kick, and they stay steady until you calm down :)
(this metaphor is obviously flawed, since walls are not humans. But you get my point.)
This practice does it all: opens the chest and shoulders, stretches the hamstrings, and restores the nervous system.
Week 3
Writing prompt: Sit for a few moments, feeling your connection to gravity and to your breath.
What gets in the way of your practice? Include all": the external circumstances, the internal resistance, etc. Then, take a breath. Allow yourself to feel the inhale and the exhale. Ask the question again. No judgements or justifications: what gets in the way of your practice?
*If the answer is nothing and you practice as much as you’d like, hooray 😃 . Bask in the glory of it all. No, really! The world is crazy. Enjoy the small things!
Quick Fix
A short and sweet practice that moves your body, builds heat, and hopefully, shows you that moving energy doesn’t require a lot of time or too many bells and whistles.
Active Recovery
We’re moving this week! Grab a strap and use it to stretch fascia, release tension, and then get moving. A great mid-week pick me up.
Half and Half
half flow, half restorative. 100% nourishing.
The more props you have, the better. Grab a bolster (or a couch cushion or two), your blocks, and settle in for a perennial practice that welcomes all of you.
Week 4
Writing prompt: What qualities/energies have you historically associated with practice? Some examples might be discipline, ‘doing’, strength, change-focused, restorative, etc.
Meditate on the qualities of ease, playfulness, and pleasure. What do these words bring up for you in the context of practice? Let your mind free-associate.
Basic Flow
As the final practice in the series, this is an all around accessible and warming flow. Brief warm up, sun salutations, standing poses, backbends, twists, and forward folds. Good for any time of the day. Two blocks help.
twenty minutes to meditate, center, move and touch into the hips and shoulders.
Rising Up
Grab a blanket if you have slippery floors and a couple of paper plates if you practice on carpet. We’ll use this time to flow and feel the rising energy of the spine.
This practice starts with a short meditation and breathwork, we then move and flow to warm up and center. A chair or a couple of blocks are used to open the hips, chest, and shoulders.