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Brisk Vinyasa #1
35 Minutes
A fun, well rounded Vinyasa flow building heat through engagement of the body’s deep stabilizers.
Slow and Steady
60 Minutes
A slow, savoring flow designed to work out all the kinks with special attention given to shoulders and upper back. Two blocks and a strap are used.
Free your tail (talk and practice)
90 Minutes
A talk to set up the practice with Molly and Friends. This is a recording of a live class that introduces the dynamics of the tailbone. It explores the many layers of this particular part of our bodies (perineal body and the first chakra). Expect familiar postures done slowly and with attention. Students' process is included here, and may serve as a reminder that we are all in this together.
free your ribs #2
90 Minutes
An exploration of the shoulder girdle and the rib cage that moves through twists, splits, and potential inversions. A couple of blocks will help.
Shoulder Love
60 Minutes
This is a shoulder focused semi-flow that uses a mix of mobility work and traditional yoga postures to bring awareness and life to the shoulders. Perfect for swimmers.
grounding flow
90 Minutes
Grab a bolster (or a couple of blocks and a blanket or two), and get moving in this grounding, all around opening flow.
Quick fix #5
20 Minutes
A full spectrum practice that wakes everything up with time to rest. Two blocks help.
Quick fix #2
20 Minutes
Twenty minutes of full spectrum movement to ease the body and the mind.
core and arm balance flow
75 Minutes
Strong flow emphasizing activation of the core, shoulders, and hips to build a safe, sustainable arm-balance practice.
Hold on a minute
90 Minutes
One minute postural holds create the conditions for a meditative re-engagement with familiar holding patterns.
Half-moon flow
75 Minutes
Energizing, fun practice with creative transitions to half-moon from familiar arm balances (or almost balances). Couple of blocks and a sense of humor.
Unblock Yourself
80 Minutes
A deep practice that uses blocks for most postures and transitions to provide constant feedback and support.
Brisk Vinyasa #3
60 Minutes
A fun, moderately paced, constantly moving full-spectrum practice focused on ankle, knee, and hip mobility and single leg strength. Highly enhanced by the use of two blocks and maybe a strap.
rotation station
60 Minutes
A practice with minimal weight-bearing on the shoulders (no plank or chatturanga, only one down dog!), but plenty of rotational work with the shoulders, spine, and hips. Invigorating, clearing, and maybe illuminating. A bath towel is used.
Intermediate Vinyasa
90 Minutes
Start slow, build heat, get into the hips and front body for backbends.
Slow Vinyasa
90 Minutes
A grounding, flowing practice that wakes up the major muscle groups through a slow warm up, leads to balancing postures, and ends with hip work and backbends.
Arm Balances and Backbends, oh my!
75 Minutes
A playful, flowing practice that gets into the hips and side body, plays around with an arm balance or two, and ends in exuberant backbends. A block or two.
All the things
60 Minutes
A full spectrum, flowing practice that moves through the standing postures with special attention paid to the shoulders, opens the front body, and settles into the hips. A blanket, two blocks, and a strap are used.
Mobilization Station
60 Minutes
Start with some out of the box warm ups that get the spine, hips, knees, and shoulders moving. Flow through standing postures, and harness the power of the breath to create mini-vinyasas in and out of familiar shapes.