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Nervous System Reset #3
50 Minutes
Dynamic, unstructured movements free up nervous energy and settle into more restorative, supported postures for a full reset experience.
Level: Accessible to all, greatly enhanced with props (formal or improvised).
Props: A couple of blocks, blanket, strap, optional bolster (several rolled blankets)
Brisk Vinyasa #9
50 Minutes
A moving, flowing full -spectrum practice that warms you up and releases the hips and spine. Two blocks help.
Brisk Vinyasa #7
50 Minutes
A playful, strongish flow focusing on shoulder strength and hip mobility to build toward an arm balance (with many progressive options to explore along the way). Two blocks can be very helpful.
Brisk Vinyasa #6
50 Minutes
If brisk vinyasa and nervous system reset practices had a baby together, this would the result ;) An out of the box, opening, releasing, and resetting practice working with the hips and the front body.
core, shoulders, and handstands #2
50 Minutes
Kicking up the intensity up a notch from the previous session, this class explores hip extension as a way to build a handstand practice. Park your mat near a wall and grab a strap, couple of blocks and a blanket.